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Weird laws around the world


e,      We the earthlings, are quite lucky to be born on this planet with so many resources given to us by the mother nature. After 4543 billion years of earth, it does not seem like we live at a place that is not permanently ours. What makes us even greater full is that we live in such a big world and still manage to receive so much.

Did you know, the earth is covered with 71 per cent by water and only 29% of it is covered by continents and Islands? The 29% of the land share is divided between 7 continents and further divided into 193 countries. Asia is the biggest continent in the world has 49 countries under it.
There are 7.8 billion and counting people in the world and there are equally numerous cultures all around the world. Each country has its own diversification that changes with time and change in opinions. Every individual is entitled to its own opinion and that makes us different. Not every one of us would believe that the world was made by only a single universal power that controls life on earth. We might call the creator of the world by different names and some of us even do not believe in such powers. Either way, we believe in something or the other and that’s how all of us are one of a kind.

One thing that we should remember is that humans do not live on this earth, but are sharing this place with animals, plants and other non-living things. It is our prior duty to protect their rights to live on this planet. Therefore, laws are needed to protect the rights of every creature sharing their space on earth. The ecosystem is also made in such a way that we interact with each other. We are co-dependent on each other for our life. The system gets hampered if the cycle of life is disturbed.

When humans started living on this earth, they interacted and shared each other’s knowledge. This is how they grew and developed. Sharing information became a way to communicate. Imagine if the person who first found out about fire told no one. Life on earth would have been more difficult. We were created in a way in which we learnt, shared, explored and helped. The humans might have civilized a lot lately but they always learned new things from the start.

Eventually, as the development took place humans evolved and civilization took place. People became aware of their surroundings and became acceptable of their own kind. This led to divisions based on land, culture, language, ideologies, beliefs and the list goes on. Humans perceive everything differently and the culture in which we grow becomes our lifestyle.

Laws in different countries and regions are different as they define the culture we grow up in. There are a few laws that might sound weird to you but do exist in the same contemporary world as we live in.
  1.        In Switzerland, you are not allowed to flush after 10pm because that is considered noise pollution.
  2.         In Samoa, it is illegal to forget your wife’s birthday.
  3.          In the Island of Capri, Italy wearing noisy shoes are prohibited.
  4.           In Denmark, people have to name their babies among the names already officially registered. If someone wants to name their child something different they have to get the first name authorized.
  5.           In Singapore, it is illegal to chew bubble gums. Given the fact that it is seen as a way to prevent the streets from getting dirty. Importing of gums is also prohibited but exceptions are made for dental and nicotine gums.
  6.        In Srilanka, it is not allowed to take selfies with Buddha. This is taken as a sign of disrespect towards the deity as you turn your back on him when you take a selfie.
  7.        In some areas of Australia, it is illegal to fly a kite in public places. You cannot play a game in public areas if it annoys other people.
  8.        In Japan, it is illegal to dance in dark after midnight
  9.        In Rome, a dog owner will be fined if he does not take his dog for a walk. A dog owner must take their dogs to a walk daily.A similar rule for goldfish is that they are not allowed to be kept in a bowl. These laws in Rome were made to prevent cruelty against animals.
  10.    .   In Denmark, it is illegal to wear a mask in public places. In fact, anything that covers the face of a person is illegal in Denmark. Scarfs, Burkha and even fake beards are banned in Denmark to be worn in the streets of Denmark.
  11.      Poland, it is illegal to wear Winnie the Pooh t-shirt in public.
  12.      In Toronto, it is illegal to climb a tree.
  13.      In Japan, you will be fined if you are overweight.
  14.       In Canada, it is illegal to pay with too many coins.
Some laws might sound weird and some surprisingly fascinating. Each country has its own reason to form laws like that. Some things are simply based on people's beliefs and cultural variation. Some are for a societal goal to be achieved in future. Some laws are made to preserve certain rights of creatures on the region. We must respect the laws wherever we go. In some cases, you might not agree with some laws but obeying by the law is a very important part of some country's culture and is often considered rude if someone does not follow it.

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