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Provisional Laws against Cybercrime

Laws around cybercrime in India

1). Information Technology Act, 2000
2). Indian Penal Code, 1860

Information Technology Act, 2000

There are following segment of rules under chapter 11 of IT Act, 2000:-

1).  Leaking the confidential documents:- For destroying and leaking the concealed data one can sentence to jail for the duration of 3 years along with fine.
2).Identity Theft:- For stealing and using someone's electronic signature and password a person can imprison for 3 years.
3). Cyber Terrorism:- This is the act of putting national sovereignty in danger by the means of computer sources. For doing this disheveled task one can punish with lifetime imprisonment.
4). Transmission of Pornographic Material:- For doing this disgusting task for the very first time a culprit can put into the jail for 3 years along with 5 lakhs in fine.
5).  Privacy Violation:- Privacy violations by big MNCs companies like Google, Facebook, etc. The IT Act, 2000 prescribes 3 years prison sentence.

India Penal code, 1860

The amended Indian Penal Code in light of the Act, 2000 includes electronic records and documents under the ambit of records and documents.  Hence, the record of the offenses pertaining to the fabrication of the records and falsification of a document, etc. extends to e-record and documents.

Some specific cybercrime law at the International level:-

  • Cybersecurity Information Security Act ( CISA) – United States of America.
  • EU Network and Information sharing Directive.
  • Criminal Code Act, 1995 - Australia.
  • criminal Code Of Canada.
  • Cybersecurity Law China.
  • Criminal Code France.
  • Computer Crime Act of Malaysia.
  • Crimes Act, 1961 New Zealand.
  • Cybercrime Prevention Act Of 2012 – Philippines.
  • Act on Computer Crime - Thailand.
  • Cybercrime Act, 2015 - Tanzania.
  • UK Computer Misuse Act, 2013.
  • United States Code - USA.
  • Cybercrimes Bills - South Africa (South Africa signed the Budapest Convention in 2001).

United Nations Conference for Trade and Development

Convention on Cyber Crime (also known as the Budapest Convention on Cybercrime or the Budapest Convention).
(Launched for the purpose of the internet or cybercrime).
Drawn by the Council of Europe in Strasbourg, France

The Main postulates or aims of the treaty are:-

The Convention aims principally at:-

  • Harmonizing the domestic criminal substantive law elements of offenses and connected provisions in the area of cyber-crime.
  • Providing for domestic criminal procedural law powers necessary for the investigation and prosecution of such offenses as well as other offenses committed by means of a computer system or evidence in relation to which is in electronic form.
  • Setting up a fast and effective regime of international cooperation.

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